You are free to change your auto insurance. Make sure, however, that you comply with any requirements of your auto lender to have certain coverages on the vehicle. Credit Unions will often require higher policy limits and coverage than commercial banks. Go through a local insurance agent who can advise you on all of the various policies and coverages available. You may want to consider gap coverage in case your vehicle is determined to be a "total loss" after an accident. You may also want to consider uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage ( in case the other driver is uninsured, or you are the victim of a hit and run).
An insurance umbrella policy can also provide you and your family with additional coverage for injuries and losses which may be excluded by your policy. Keep in mind that when you are involved in an auto accident, you are in most cases limited to the insurance coverage available. The insurance company involved in settling a claim will require a release of any further claim(s) in exchange for issuing the settlement funds. Most auto claims are settled, so it is important to make sure you are adequately covered